Facebook’s New Slogan and Features
After a turbulent period, Facebook is making fundamental updates to several vital features and functions. Notably, Facebook is emphasizing community, groups, and privacy. Facebook’s slogan is “Better connecting you with the pages and groups you care about.” Facebook’s founder, Mark Zuckerberg, said, “Privacy gives us the freedom to be ourselves.” While Facebook’s previous goal was…

The New Facebook Will Soon Become the Old Facebook
Earlier this week Google made some big changes to their AdWord layout that may affect Small to Midsize businesses (SMBs) in a big way
Earlier this week Google made some big changes to their AdWord layout that may affect Small to Midsize businesses (SMBs) in a big way. Google has removed all paid ads on the right hand rail and increased the paid ads at the top and bottom of search results to four respectively. There are two significant…

Google All Star Summit 2015
We are so proud to have been a part of the Google All Star Summit in Mountain View! We received the confirmation that we were invited last month and had been anxiously waiting ever since. The travel arrangements were made by Google and they were very accommodating. Fortunately we’re fairly close to Google HQ anyway…

CES 2014 – Day 1 – Athletic gear to Zuckerberg, Oh My!
By: Amber Howland Yesterday was the first day of CES for me, technically the second day of the show and it did not disappoint. I knew that with only 3 days at CES, we needed to be strategic. We spend most of the day in the South Hall, and then hiked to the North Hall…