Day 3 of CES. Not sure what hurt more, my feet, my back or my head.
We saved the best for last, dedicating the final day to Central Hall
Cisco: The Future of Big Data. Listened to a fascinating speech by the Cisco team describing the future of Big Data. What is big data? It is defined differently all over the web but as Cisco describes it, it is the future of connecting all the data you put out there like social media, doctors visits, exercise tracking and mining/cultivating that data for your future. Let’s take health for example; this is the process of tracking your exercise, food consumption habits, and doctor visits and then sharing that data health care professionals throughout your life. A lifetime of this data will be able to provide you with customized goals for your health. The upside is this could tell you if you’re on track for obesity, if you have too much stress in your life, or if you have a balanced healthy lifestyle. However the cynic in me has to ask, what happens to this data when made public. We are currently going through a major healthcare shift. If you have applied for the government health care, you are asked three simple questions to determine price, your age, sex, and whether or not you smoke. Currently, if you opt to smoke, your insurance price is affected. If this kind of big data share with your doctor seems a little scary regarding insurance companies. Can they then regulate our insurance rate based on how many sodas we drink a day? Or if we don’t exercise 3 days a week. Regardless of the outcome, the future of micro data will certainly be interesting.
Other fun gadgets include a skin analyzer that determines the hydration level of your skin. I tried it out and realized that although I drink a lot of water, my skin was 14%, or “very dry”. When Edward tried the device it turns out his skin was 47% and “perfect”. If I sold skin care products, this would be a no brainer in assisting customers pick the right moisturizer and I sort of wanted one just because.
I found the perfect toy for my son, although at $400, I think I may wait a while before snatching one up. The Moss Robot Construction system features a variety of wheels, boxes, and magnetic ball bearings. Depending on how you put it together, it provides power. By the time you’re done, you have an electronic toy robot. This ingenious tool has not hit stores yet but you can preorder online at modrobotics.com.
Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a huge fan of the artist Salvador Dali, so when I passed by the Primo booth, I was stopped in my tracks but their newest line of custom phones. These are custom phones, not phone cases. Especially programmed, the Dali Phone had a dripping clock icon for the clock, a Salvador Dali artwork screen saver, and of course the case was complete with Salvador Dali’s finest artwork. Primo is currently looking for beta testers for their new phones and they are currently available using limited android phones. In addition to Salvador Dali Phones, Primo is also working on of Aston Martin custom electronics. www.primomobile.com.sg/astonmartinracing
We couldn’t leave the central hall without stopping by the massive Sony Booth. with limited time, we chose to try out the Integrated video experience with glasses. This beta tested product was a full glasses, headphone system that allowed you to enjoy movies and gaming on an intimate level. I felt like I was on the speedway. As I leaned the motorcycle leaned, as I looked around, the crowd came into focus. Wearable virtual tech is getting better with each passing year.
Finally, we spent a good amount of time at the Parrot booth watching the AR Drone2.0 fly around. Not only were these drones controllable from your phone but they also synched with other drones to perform acrobatic tricks in air. With Amazon announcing drone deliveries, these “toys” will prove to much more functional in the future. http://ardrone2.parrot.com/
I learned a great deal and saw some amazing new toys for the future but like all my trips to Vegas, I’m as happy to leave as I am to arrive. Until next year!