Reno Tahoe Tonight Article (October, 2013) Blog
Get Your Google Together If your business is not claimed, claim the business. In recent months I have spent a lot of time working with customers to clean up their Google profiles. This is due to in part to Google’s product evolution over the past couple of years adding Google+ and changing Google places. Also,…
Reno Tahoe Tonight Article (September, 2013) Blog
Display or Search? Digital Advertising 101 You can create a campaign based on how your audience searches for you. Most businesses understand the importance of advertising. You run a commercial with a special offer and people come in. It sounds simple but digital advertising is often anything but simple. There are two main types of…
Reno Tahoe Tonight Article (August, 2013) Blog
What Happens on Social Media, Can Live on in Infamy Did you know that Facebook photos can be found even after your profile is deleted? It’s not uncommon for me to pull “social media Veto power” over my friends and family if I happen to be in a picture they were thinking of posting online. …
Reno Tahoe Tonight Article (July, 2013) Blog
Targeting by Geography Yahoo, Google, and Facebook have more information on you than your parents and you provide it all willingly. I was recently on vacation in Mexico and as I sat on the beach trying to get some last minute work in, Google continued to pop up and ask me if I wanted to…
Reno Tahoe Tonight Article (June, 2013) Blog
DigiTips (Published in the Reno Tahoe Tonight magazine June, 2013) -Amber Howland So how do these advanced search engines and search aggregators find an older “image heavy” website? The answer is simple.. they don’t. Pretty or Practical: New technologies bring shift in website design mentality Everything in the digital world seems to move at an…

Reno Tahoe Tonight Article (May, 2013) Blog
DigiTips (Published in the Reno Tahoe Tonight magazine May, 2013) -Amber Howland [quote align=”center” color=”#999999″]sometimes what we as professionals accept as common knowledge, might as well be a foreign language to others outside of our world.[/quote] Digital Definitions The other day, I found myself speaking with two separate business owners about enhancing their digital presence…

Reno Tahoe Tonight Article (April, 2013) Blog
DigiTips (Published in the Reno Tahoe Tonight magazine April, 2013) -Amber Howland -Editor: Sierra Aronson [quote align=”center” color=”#999999″]but taking shortcuts – as tempting as they might be – can do more damage than good. Beware of Black Hat SEO[/quote] Black Hat tactics: SEO to Avoid! So you’re trying to move your website up in search…

Reno Tahoe Tonight Article (March, 2013)
DigiTips (Published in the Reno Tahoe Tonight magazine March, 2013) -Amber Howland [quote align=”center” color=”#999999″]Google has the most sophisticated algorithms that decide which website is the most relevant to the keywords entered.[/quote] Why Google+ Is Important To Your Business As I work with businesses to create or increase their social media community, I always include Google+….